Alexandre Cottet

Alone in the Night
(Mr Schneider)
Mathieu Schneider
vocals, keyboard, bass,
comp. / arr.
Music that appeared on the night of Alexander's disappearance
Sunday, November 13 from midnight to 2:15 a.m.
First model of the music with the final form
Monday November 14 at 1:50 a.m.
Text written in Attalens on Tuesday November 16 from midnight to 2 a.m.
Model produite and recorded
at STUDIOP3 La Chaux-de-Fonds
with all the emotion in the voice
Thursday November 17 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
Working version with both voices
Thursday November 17 2022 at 3 p.m.
Alone in the night
You when you go alone in the night
You leave us bored
You left without making a sound
Alone in the night you fly towards the stars
swirling in the dark
It's evening when there is no more hope
Your good will wishes us good evening
You say goodbye to us...
We are all here, you are good,
ready to leave Without lying to us about the future
But when it's you all alone in the night
You tempt the devil and it's midnight
Goodbye, it was so good, don't regret anything
And keep all these little things...
Thanks to you Alexandre
Mathieu Schneider on 14.11.2022

Manouche text
To you Alexandre, our big brother with a pure heart
You were born in La Chaux de Fonds in 1956. Your mother lived there with her sister Lady and her friend Paule. She worked as a secretary for an architect and was already sewing her clothes herself from furnishing fabrics. Your dad was a graphic designer in Bienne; slept at his workplace, he shaved at the fountain and when he walked in the street people shouted at him “Gérard Philippe!! »
They got married in blue and went on their honeymoon to Saintes-Marie-de-La-Mer by hitchhiking. When you were born, they lived in an apartment in a rental building in La Chaux-de Fonds, designed by the architect Le Corbusier.
Quickly, for financial reasons, they settled in Bossonnens in their father's house. Only one heated room and no bathroom but you ate on a 3-legged Teo Jakob table and you drank your milk in a rattan bucket chair on black and white cushions. Above your changing table, an animal fresco painted by your dad. Your play world outside, in nature and you had to create everything, invent everything.
When we arrived in Attalens in 1966, the siblings were complete.
Emanuelle born in 1959, Joséphine in 1964 conceived in Copenhagen during one of your parents' extremely rare trips abroad and Simon the youngest in January 1966.
And then it was a party! We each had our own room there, mother was able to give free rein to her creativity, to her desires both in terms of clothing and design, in an incessant search for new things and the financial means to achieve them. Dad painted in his spacious and bright studio.
Alexander!! Your artistic universe was born and you indulged in it to your heart's content. At a very young age, during a drawing competition, you won your first pick-up and your instamatic camera. We listened
“I like girls” by Dutronc and let's go on an adventure... already take photos. You were my pygmalion and I was your muse, the first. Many others followed. Your favorite and beloved Jeanette, whom you met in Zurich. You were then attending the Kunstgeverbeschule for photography.
Nothing showed your extreme sensitivity, this first heartache was the trigger. The wound was deep and continued to grow. The terrain was favorable... but you knew how to bounce back with incredible strength!
The good years followed with your sister Joséphine, who became a make-up artist. New muse that you quickly took into this world of VIPs, of endless nights, but mainly of incessant and fruitful work. It was a collaboration overflowing with Glamor and Love: 10 years of creative madness in Paris, Zurich and around the world.
From one day to the next you abandoned photography distorted by the digital age, which you swept away with an angry and disenchanted look.
New love story, new work space at the famous See-Rose bar in Zurich where you could give free rein to your extravagance and your originality.
Nothing was too good or too crazy!
Then the romantic breakup and the dark years that followed.
And little by little you came back. First to mom, later to us. You put all your heart and energy into cultivating and safeguarding the family heritage and the work of Charles Cottet with immeasurable dedication.
At the crossroads Filippo was your ultimate fireworks display, your swan song in letting him live with a sensual and sincere love.
The illness caught up with you and the house of Attalens was your last home base. You lived there peacefully in the reassuring and caring proximity of your brother Simon.
Emanuelle Cottet on 17.11.2022

josephine text
Most of the people present here knew Alexandre well and it is difficult to find the words to describe this exceptional and charismatic being. An artist, a genius and a pioneer in many fields. But especially in those who were his life... photography, fashion, art and aesthetics.
As Oscar Wilde, whom he admired, said: “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”.
He had this extraordinary sense of observation, a look at the beauty of things but also at people. He could seem superficial as he gave so much importance to aesthetics. But he had the same outlook on human beings: he observed with curiosity and kindness and knew how to reveal the best of himself in everyone, with gentleness, understanding and without judgment.
He had a sense of values: an earthling who loved his family, his homeland, traditions and nature.
When our parents died, he took over to keep the Cottet family as it had always been: united. For us, he was more than a brother. He was our reference. Always ready to welcome us, help us and support us. His particularity, no hint of malice, great modesty, a keen sense of criticism, never in judgment, always in listening.
He had this beautiful, gentle and understanding look, but from time to time he indulged in this dark humor which was also one of his character traits.
His nephews and nieces here were very attached to him. On the one hand he had taken on the role of grandparents and on the other hand the crazy and exciting atypical journey of his life impressed them.
One thing is certain, he left no one indifferent: those who shared his life as well as those who met him even once.
Gray was not his color.
He preferred to choose Black or White.
Pomp or Simplicity.
He always impressed with his good taste, his culture, his class, his elegance, this incredible gift of observation (he was not a photographer for nothing), his energy (he who claimed to no longer have any), his humor ( sometimes cynical and offbeat) but above all his generosity, his tenderness and his kindness.
He knew how to enjoy the present moment and he loved life. However, like any genius, he also suffered from the pain of living. Despite this, he always showed the best of himself. He never wanted to disappoint or disturb. Gifted with great discretion and loyalty.
A loving being and loved by all those who were lucky enough to meet him or walk a part of the way alongside him.
Joséphine Cottet on 16.11.2022


melody nelson
Excerpt from the film for Manouche's 60th birthday
comic strip
Excerpt from the film for Manouche's 60th birthday